Open Hearts to Serve
Hello Mt Vernon UMC!!
Thank you so much for your continued support of donations to From His Hands!!! It is appreciated!! There has been an increased need in our community for healthy meals. From His Hands now serves on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Friday evenings to the homeless living in local motels. The Summer Lunch Program has kicked off and we are so grateful to all who have donated snacks and will be baking cookies!! It is a special treat for the needy children in the motels and underprivileged neighborhoods being served this summer. There are children who do not get three meals a day, so these lunches fulfill a great need! Again, thank you all for your continued support!!
Theresa K., Treasurer From His Hands
“For I was hungry, and you fed me. Thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger, and you received me in your home” –Matthew 25:35
As followers of Christ, we are called to help “the least of these.” The members of Mt. Vernon use their time, talents, and offerings to be involved with various outreaches that benefit the local and global community.
Our congregation collects food to donate to the St. Olaf Food Pantry and to From His Hands to help feed those in need who reside in the surrounding area. The Pastor’s Fellowship fund helps those who are going through difficult times. Members volunteer at Proclaiming Grace in Barhamsville, as well as FISH of Willliamsburg. Mt. Vernon members also serve at other nonprofit service agencies not listed here. On a broader scale UMCOR relief kits are assembled to help people in the United States and worldwide when disaster strikes.
Here is a sample of some of the many service opportunities available to Mt. Vernon members. YES—you can make a difference!

Mt. Vernon gladly hosted From His Hands, making sandwiches for needy children during the summer.
From His Hands
From His Hands is an ecumenical organization that serves meals to the homeless residing in motels in our community and to the Grove section of JCC. Mt. Vernon is one of the partners of From His Hands, supporting them through generous donations and by providing a room at the church to store food and supplies.

St. Olaf Food Pantry
The St. Olaf, Patron of Norway Catholic Church in Norge provides food assistance to approximately 400 individuals and families each month through the operation of their Food Pantry. The pantry’s goal is to continually take positive action to meet the current and future demands of hunger in our area. Mt. Vernon regularly supports the pantry by collecting and donating a specific type of food item every month.

A PGO mission work project. Photo courtesy of PGO.
Proclaiming Grace Outreach
The mission of Proclaiming Grace Outreach (PGO) is to provide a holistic approach to the needs of our community by providing food, clothing, small home repairs, and other services to help the disadvantaged and those with economic hardships in all of New Kent and upper James City Counties.

Photo courtesy of FISH, Inc. of Williamsburg
FISH of Williamsburg
FISH, Inc. of Williamsburg, Virginia, is an all-volunteer not-for-profit agency providing help to residents of the greater Williamsburg area. FISH depends entirely upon a caring community for food, clothing, volunteers and financial donations, in order to serve our neighbors in need. While FISH was founded by local religious organizations, FISH does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender or national origin.

Thanks to Mt. Vernon UMC for donating many of the contents of these disaster buckets featured on the cover of the June 2019 UM Advocate!
UMCOR Relief Kits
As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need.